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Package: 250mg*36s       

Usage: Two tablets once, 3 times daily

Main ingredients

Calculus bovis / Realgar plant extracts / Gypsum fibrosum / Rhei radix et Rhizoma / Baikal Skullcap root / Ballon flower / Borneol

What is Yellow Form?

Yellow Form Tablet is a popular and widely used herbal supplement that is useful in the health of the inner ear, mouth, teeth, throat, and salivary glands, and the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems. This natural supplement may assist with tonsillitis, toothaches, high fevers that are aggravated by constipation, and may be useful in treating fever, including fevers due to measles, mumps and tonsillitis.

Calculus bovis has been long used in China to treat various diseases, including high fever, convulsion and stroke. Gypsum fibrosum have a renoproctective effect and could be a useful remedy for chronic renal(kidney) failure.Rhei radix et Rhizoma is a commonly used Chinese medicinal herb with unique functions.Rhei has long been used for the treatment of cholestatic hepatitis and gastrointestinal diseases. Baikal skullcap is a Chinese herbal medicine used for the treatment of inflammation,allergies, dermatitis, hyperlipidemia, and atherosclerosis.Ballon flower exhibits neuroprotective , anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, improved insulin resistance and cholesterol lowering properties.





Inflamed /sore throat and gums

Ear ache

Tooth ache

Oral ulcers

Boil of the lips and the tongue

Sinus headaches and congestion


Hard stool.

Alleviates internal heat

Soothes toxic heat in the liver, heart and stomach

Clears congestion due to damp heat



Keep away from sunlight, Store below 30°C, Keep out of the reach of children.


Not to be taken by pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers. children below 15 years.

Do not use it with alcohol, cigarette and spicy or oily food

Use with care for the elderly and those with loose stools.